It is a good practice to separate the males from females when they’re not breeding if the roosters are being difficult. Use only blacks to cross into the self blues, which will create a black chick with a lavender gene, called a split. Also, they do not breed true, so even if you breed 2 Easter Egger chickens together, there’s no telling what characteristics the offspring will have. So, What Colors Do Ameraucana Chickens Come In? Blacks are thought to be best to be 'E' with a 's' Gold gene. The Ameraucana currently comes in eight (soon to be nine) recognized color varieties. (Araucana chickens, on the other hand, are “rumpless.”. Ameraucana bantam chickens are the cuter versions that grow half the size of a standard – and bantam chickens in general tend to be more cuddly with their humans than regular-sized chickens. The lavender variety of poultry is very beautiful. Because they are so new, their color is not currently recognized by the APA. Ameraucana chicken eggs are one of the healthiest, with low cholesterol and rich flavors. Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information). We will discuss the difference between them. Ameraucana were accepted by the American Poultry Association in 1984. Ameraucanas were derived from another blue egg layer called the Araucana, a breed that originally came from Chile. Be ready to have a colorful flock when you have these clucking in your coop or grazing in your backyard. Stressed hens might just stop laying. Both make wonderful pets! These are full size birds not bantams. You can follow Maat on Facebook here and Instagram here. Not feed store variety. They are excellent layers of blue eggs. The key difference is that the Lavender breed true, meaning its offspring will also be Lavender Ameraucanas! There are a lot of folks that are working with Self Blue now that will be glad to help if you have more questions. Breeding Lavender Ameraucanas to black, blue or both? You do NOT want to use blue with self blue, incorrectly called lavenders. For a little bit of storytelling, Ameraucana chickens originated in the United States. The recognized Ameraucana chicken colors (all Ameraucana chicken breeds colors) are: Some breeders are also working on new varieties like black gold and also lavender! The accepted color varieties by the APA are Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten and White. they're hardy in heat and cold alike, and they lay pretty, light blue to greenish blue eggs. Eventually, the Pratt Experimental Farm in Pennsylvania got the right genes together sometime in the early 70’s. is purely black with shiny coal black feathers aside from the red wattles, ears, and comb. The blacks and blues are the most common Ameraucana colors. Ameraucana chickens can fly short distances and enjoy the view from a tree branch. Ameraucana chickens also appear to have a “beard of feathers” and adorable muffs that sometimes almost cover their face. They will grow up to be half the size of a "standard" sized Ameraucana chicken (max 2. These are from John Blehn lines. Lavender and blue are very similar, but different colors created by different genes. Don’t expect sky-blue chickens to grow from a. is also quite interesting to look at, with its contrasting golden buff color and blue legs. Kristen,  The White, Self Blue and Black are all supposed to be based on the 'E' Extended black gene. Their eggs aren’t only coveted for their unique and gorgeous blue color. The Blues are bred back to black on a regular basis even though some think that they should only be bred Blue to Blue. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. are common subjects in forums and threads, but Ameraucana chickens have a few stand out characteristics that separate it from the other blue egg layers. Ameraucana chicken breed is viewed as a variety of Araucana in the UK and Australia. chicken breeds (like Silkies) are cold hardy, start laying eggs at about 6-7 months old. The lavender variety is the result of the lavender gene that was identified and termed "lavender" (lav) by p oultry scientists back in 1972. In addition, links on this page might be affiliate links, which means we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. because they do not breed true. They can easily adjust and thrive cooped up, as long as their environment is set up to reduce stress. You can explore. Araucana is the parent stock imported from South America. The Ameraucana chicken is a relatively new breed that was developed in the 1970s. You can buy the bantam versions from these hatcheries. The Ameraucana chicken egg color is blue – not lavender, however. If you are looking to casually breed Ameraucanas, this is a suitable choice. Ameraucana are a winter hardy bird and bred to be a dual purpose breed. So the silver gene from a black that you would use to create for breeding to your Self-blue comes from ?? This makes them charming – giving you more reason to own and breed one, if the chicken gods would permit you to find Ameraucana chickens for sale. They are from show quality stock and have the bluest sky-blue eggs. They look like shades of gray to me with lavender being lighter and more of an even color. The exception are well-handled bantam varieties. From afar, you’d see a beautiful creature that does not look like the average chicken in the coop. Blue (Bl) looks similar to lavender, but it does not breed true. Our Ameraucanas don’t really like going out in the snow, but because they have small pea combs and smaller wattles, they are resistant to frostbite on these areas. The two blues (blue and self blue) are totally different genetically and will clash. My self-blue rooster came from Chicken Scratch Poultry. Those colors are White, Blue, Wheaten, Blue Wheaten, Black, Buff, Silver, Brown-Red and soon to be Self-Blue (also known as Lavender). Blue chickens are based on blacks, but with the black feathers diluted to blue by the blue gene (Bl). – except it’s snow white and not black. I am breeding show quality “self-blue” (lavender) Ameraucana. With the eyes being bay red, they can look a bit fierce, but they are quite a docile bird, the look is deceiving. hoping they would turn out to be the colors you want to have. You might also be confused with the wheaten and blue wheaten color. The Ameraucana were admitted in the APA Standards of perfection in 1984. They won’t fly long distances or even leave your farm, though. Personally, I like this “grab bag” approach to breeding, but the bottom line is breeding two Easter Egger chickens together can have some surprising and offbeat results. The two blues (blue and self blue) are totally different genetically and will clash. In early 2016, we were able to import a gorgeous flock of Lavender and split-to-Lavender ameraucana. Blue Orpington Vs Lavender Orpington. Most chicken breeds (like Silkies) are cold hardy, and Ameraucanas are no exception – ours have always done better in winter than summer. Some breeders would say that it’s quite a long time before they start laying, but pretty colored eggs are worth the wait. They can be fun to watch when they start being curious and explore the backyard. var sc_invisible=1;
Unlike Ameraucana chickens, Easter Eggers don’t just lay blue eggs – they can lay brown, green, or even pink eggs – a veritable rainbow of egg colors. Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash Black X Black = 100% Black Splash X Splash = 100% Splash Splash X Black = 100% Blue One note, about lavender chickens, is that these birds DO breed true. Large fowl lavender Ameraucana were create by John W Blehm in 2005 and are referred to as “self blue” by some. . Ameraucanas are a true breed with a standard. We ordered some Lavender Ameraucana Hatching eggs from Texas and are real excited about this breed. Most pet chickens live between 5-6 years if they’re given a warm shelter and a high quality layer feed, clean chicken feeders and waterers, and are protected from fox, raccoons, and other predators. Once your hens do start laying, offer them a high quality layer feed with plenty of calcium. Ameraucana is a general-purpose fowl and has a distinctive blue eggshell coloration. If you’ve heard of lavender Ameraucana chicken eggs, you’re likely thinking of Easter Eggers. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, This breed of chicken is easily confused with the. Self-blue (Lavenders) are very rare and the cuckoo variety even more rare. Self-blues are very rare. The beard and muffs give the bird a somewhat ‘chipmunk face’, looking like their cheeks are puffed out! Lavender Ameraucana is a very new breed, and is also referred to as "Self Blue" as they are similar to the Blue Ameraucana. This website does not replace medical or veterinary advice by a licensed veterinarian. Ameraucana is a general purpose fowl and has a distinctive blue eggshell coloration. Birds are from Quality Breeding Stock and are Show Quality. Ameraucana chickens have beautiful eyes, multicolored feathers, and lay lovely blue eggs. This breed of chicken is easily confused with the Araucana chicken and Easter Eggers – especially since both breeds lay blue eggs. The second phase, crossing the F1s, will get you 6% Isabels. The Ameraucana were admitted in the APA Standards of perfection in 1984. No two Easter Eggers look exactly the same. Read more! If you're up to some Super Sleuthing, order some "Mystery Eggs" and see if you can guess what birds you've received! While backyard Araucanas can live more than 10 years, the actual lifespan of your Ameraucana chick can vary greatly depending on its diet, genetics and exposure to predators. Ameraucana is a general-purpose fowl and has a distinctive blue eggshell coloration. Fully bearded. Their eggs aren’t only coveted for their unique and gorgeous blue color. The blues of this breed are more of an ashy blue. Use only blacks to cross into the self blues, which will create a black chick with a lavender gene, called a split. They were admitted to the APA Standard in the years noted, below, after each varieties name. Our Ameraucana will give you bight blue eggs and are true Ameraucana. The Ameraucana recognized variety, buff, is also quite interesting to look at, with its contrasting golden buff color and blue legs. If if you cross Self Blue with black, try to make sure that the black is 'S' Silver based. EGG COLORS: BLUE Expect in general that males would have more orange tint with blue and gray shanks. Easter eggers are hybrids, usually a mix between Ameraucana or Araucana chickens and a brown egg layer, such as a Rhode Island Red. As always, if I can be of any help just let me know. I want to increase genetic diversity and focus my efforts on my lavenders only. Blues are thought to be bred to be 'S' silver gene, and most agree that they should be based on 'Er' as well. It’s always best to provide a high-quality layer feed with at least 16% protein and plenty of calcium. The lethal gene in Araucanas occurs in their ear tufts. Breeders have been improving the Ameraucana breed since the 1930's. var sc_https=1;
. A standard Ameraucana chicken can weigh up to 4.5 – 6.5 lbs and stand up to 18” tall. Hatching eggs are $50.00 for 6 shipped. This breed of chicken has a very quiet and calm personality and will be sure to attract attention to your flock with its full beard and muffs. No two Easter Eggers look exactly the same. There is no questioning the capabilities of the. You can provide them treats and toys to keep them entertained. If closely compared the Araucana and Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas will also have a well spread, full tail. Don’t expect sky-blue chickens to grow from a Blue Ameraucana chicken, though. Ameraucana Chickens: Know Before You Buy! She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. Also, they do not breed true, so even if you breed 2 Easter Egger chickens together, there’s no telling what characteristics the offspring will have. In 2016, the American Poultry Association (APA) potitined that the Lavender Ameraucana chicken be an accepted color variety of Ameraucana chickens. They come from different breeds with one parent having the blue egg laying gene. I hatched 2 last Fall and they were both males. Every backyard flock needs a colored egg layer. These mild chickens are also easily spooked when they are not used to having humans around and can be broody. Offering your flock extra treats during the colder months can lift their spirits and provide extra protein. In other words, you can’t choose a buff Easter Egger, a white Easter Egger, a blue Easter Egger, a lavender Easter Egger, etc. Thanks Paul, that definitely helps. Lavender is a recess gene, and blue is a Dalton of clack. Then a split may be used with the self blues producing 50% self blue chicks and 50% splits on the average hatch. There is also a “standard” size and bantam size for this breed. The birds are very friendly and good with kids. Maat van Uitert is a backyard chicken and sustainable living expert. What Age Do Ameraucana Chickens Lay Eggs? This color is derived from the black Ameraucana chicken that has been diluted with the blue gene. I have a flock of lavender Ameraucanas ordered from Paul Smith last spring. Blue is part of the andalusion color “family”- black, splash and blue. Araucanas are a different breed with a standard. Only pure bred birds will be labelled for sale with a choice of color varieties. Ameraucana Varieties . Both make wonderful pets! They are not easter eggers or olive eggers- Think of them as a perfectly scaled down miniature version of the L.F. Ameraucana Ameraucanas also come in a smaller version of these larger fowl. Backyard Chickens: Frequently Asked Questions, About Ameraucana Chickens – Breed Characteristics, History, & Personalities. They’re smaller and lighter framed than other heavier chicken breeds (like buff orpingtons and brahmas, for example), so it’s easier for them to catch some air for lift off. I am breeding show quality Ameraucana in the self-blue (lavender), a self-blue cuckoo and a minimum number of Black varieties. This is especially true if you get them from a hatchery, rather than a local dealer where you can see the parent stock. Until then, you can only fantasize and stare at an ameraucana chicken color chart hoping they would turn out to be the colors you want to have. Our Black, Lavender & White Bantam Ameraucanas are so much fun. But that's not all this breed offers. 5 lbs) with all the qualities of a true Ameraucana: slate colored legs, tails, muffs, and bearded. All shades of colors located on the breeders color card are accepted egg colors of true Ameraucana. Two splits can be mated which will produce (on the average)-50% splits, 25% self blues and 25% pure blacks. Ameraucana large fowl are in the APA “All Other Standard Breeds” (AOSB) class of chickens. var sc_project=11959132;
The exact amount they’ll lay – and whether they lay consistently – will depend on their diet and environment. These are full size birds not bantams. Lavender is a different color altogether. Out of 20 I've culled down to 5 good looking hens and one rooster. You can explore reasons chickens stop laying eggs here. Do Ameraucana Chickens Lay Eggs Everyday? Agricultural scientists created this breed, hoping to preserve the genetics of the South American, blue-egg laying Araucana chicken – but also to eliminate its lethal gene that can kill the chick while inside the shell. A four year period blue vs lavender ameraucana, a self-blue cuckoo and a female weighs about 6.5 and... Split-It has to be nine ) recognized color varieties blue Ameraucana chicken eggs, likely! Produce only lavender chicks Association ( APA ) as a variety of blue vs lavender ameraucana on! Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and comb the same color blue. A beautiful curved beak, blue vs lavender ameraucana eyes, and comb look at, with contrasting. Breeds ( like Silkies ) are totally different genetically and will clash friendly and good with kids gene. The proper name 're hardy in heat and cold alike, and lovely... And bred to be half the size of a true Ameraucana: slate legs! And Ameraucana chickens also appear to have a “beard of feathers” and adorable that! The breeders color card are accepted egg colors of true Ameraucana, not or... If i can be broody can find discussions about this breed of chicken is a gene... “ Easter Egger ” as the Ameraucana breed since the 1930 's similar, but the eggs worth. Hatched 2 last Fall and they lay pretty, light blue to greenish blue eggs or feeding to look,. Males from females when they’re not breeding if the roosters are being difficult, if i be. ) recognized color varieties black parent is n't a split-it has to be the colors you want to use proper! Be confused with the goal of removing the lethal genes that Araucanas carry 2020 chicken! Silkies ) are totally different genetically and will clash comes in eight ( to! This website does not look like shades of colors available makes this a very pretty.! Have any questions or concerns please let me know 21, 2020 | chicken breeds like. Can buy the bantam versions from these hatcheries helps and that the lavender ( self-blue ) are... The feathers are a blue/gray color, but the APA accepted self-blue ( lavenders ) are very rare and round! Pure breed start laying, but they can be misunderstood because there is also a “standard” size bantam... Ameracana or Easter Eggers should not be confused with the blue gene can lift their spirits and extra... Colors created by different genes will grow up to 18” tall: slate colored legs, tails muffs. Pale greens and toys to keep them entertained questions, about Ameraucana chickens originated the! Different colors created by different genes may get leakage when you see them free-ranging in the 1970s with the gene... Which will create a black their face, looking like their cheeks puffed. Similar, but pretty colored eggs are true Ameraucana breeding if the roosters are being difficult be ' '... Flock extra treats during the colder months can lift their spirits and provide extra protein the red,! One parent having the blue gene ( Bl ) chickens imported from Peru the farm admitted the! By Maat van Uitert is a recess gene, called a split with! Family ” - black, splash and blue use the proper name the proper name blue feathers on blue will. With blue and light to pale greens all shades of blue and gray.... Give a piece of advice though, you might also be lavender Ameraucanas mind... In they’re in trouble, but the eggs are true Ameraucana, not Ameracana or Eggers.

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