Mapping: Participatory mapping is simply getting community members to draw an area that shows key features and landmarks as perceived by the participants. - Location of people at risk: Where on the hazard map is the people living or working that is most at risk. The techniques focus on specific problems experienced by the community and then the research is used to bring about social change in order to improve the participating communities' quality of life. The methodology for constructing a seasonal calendar includes the following: E.g. This can only be achieved through democratic collaboration of social researcher, community members and various other parties. Ask open ended questions How can coping mechanisms be enhanced to reduce vulnerabilities. Sustainable development has continued to evolve as that of protecting the world’s resources while its true agenda is to control the world’s resources. In conclusion, education for sustainable development can help to shape our future. Where the day-to-day efforts of the community workers happens and includes the following tasks or questions: Qualitative data: Rather explains the quality of things or situations instead of the quantity thereof. Group members then write down their answers, which the facilitator shuffles and place on the wall around the question. Sustainable Development - Does the organisation have a community development plan? 1.1.1. The aim of Sustainable Development Goals is to continue the work started by Millennium Development Goals. o Resource and Asset mapping: involves making a map showing local resources and capacities as well as gender differences with regard to access to and control over the resources. Ensure the map is copied as a permanent record with the names of the main participants who facilitated and managed the process. ' Substances that can contaminate a water source include sewerage, insecticides, cooling and cleaning of heavy machinery. - Poverty ' Changes and administration and organisation ' - Community Profile: To gain an understanding of what is being dealt with, it is essential to ensure effective service delivery and communication in the community. Harbour and coastal communities can be at risk of disasters various ways. 2. This means that a unit (household / group / community) is relieved of poverty to the point where it can cope with stresses and shocks while maintaining or even enhancing its capabilities and assets both in present and in future without negative impact or undermining the natural resource base. - Background on the community in the form of census, reports or research findings. - Short-term Warnings: issued from minutes ' hours ' days in advance. - Attitudes: What is the view of the community on its ability to adapt to changes? Community analysis and profiling is similar to the 'target market analysis' done by marketing professionals to determine the best way of communicating product information to the community. Vulnerability is a characteristic of people who inhabit a certain natural, social or economic space within which they are classified according to their position of more or of lesser sensitivity towards the risks that they might have to face. i. Participatory research is distinguished by two main characteristics namely, the relationship between the people involved in the research and the fact that research is used as a tool for action and building knowledge. The facilitator must be familiar in advance with the names or the organisations in the community. Data gathering at community level is very important and can be used for risk and vulnerability assessment, capacity assessment and livelihoods analysis. Therefore capacity building is not only about undertaking specific tasks but the wider impacts of aid interventions must be considered in the process. - Health: This includes the robustness of the society and the functioning of various social measures (preventative medicine) This tool can be used by a team that is involved in facilitating a community members meeting during the latter part of a situational analysis or a community risk assessment. Step 2: Selection of the most cost effective objectives for the intervention plan. Local businesses and organisations can list what materials, equipment or skills they can donate to the program or intervention. - Produce a paper copy of the exercise for permanent record. The data itself is based on facts that can be placed into two categories: quantitative data that produces values and particular quantities as the result and the second type is qualitative data which descriptive with regards to the quality of the data object. Question 1 1.1. 2013: 93. o Problem-tree: is a flow diagram that shows the relationship between different aspects. Once the three components of the Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment are done, all the data is placed in the matrix for each of the possible hazards that might have an impact on the said community. The fires spread rapidly and lives are often lost along with property. Larger circles for higher importance. The combination of different substances that is released into the air can result in acid rain which can be harmful. Brynard and Hanekom defined the term 'research' as a procedure where an entity (or person / s) endeavour to get answers to questions as well as to solve identified problems in a systematic manner with the support of verifiable facts. 1.3. Question 2 Powell suggested that through evaluation one should compare new data with the baseline data and evaluate the overall impact of the programme. Importance Of Sustainable Development 732 Words | 3 Pages Sustainable development is aimed at ensuring quality of life to the present and future generations. - Maintain and enhance environmental quality Also consider partnerships with the private sector. Find community members that know the area and who are willing to share their experiences. - Forecasting and prediction of events Methods of participatory assessment need a shift in attitudes and behaviour towards listening, standing back, being respectful towards the target group / individual and asking to be taught by the target and be open to learning. The objectives must be clear, measurable and attainable. - A large writing surface (black / white board) and mark the months of the year on the horizontal axis. Question 1 Mining communities have been proven to be at a higher risk to the dangers of air pollution. Examples Of Message In Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, Importance Of Eye Contact In The Classroom, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cruise Lines. Step 3: Design of the programme itself. - Post-Traumatic Stress: the condition of shock that is experienced by a person after exposure to a traumatic event. The community first approach is more labour intensive where the hazard first approach works well when there is limited resources and prioritization needs to take place. - People tend to have more confidence to plan for the unknown when they learn or carry forward the best parts of the past. Tell them you would like to learn more about their lives. Inventory of material resources: list of all the materials that can be used. 2014. Participants, as equal partners can investigate the problem and underlying causes or factors involved and take collective action to make long-term solutions. When making a time line and showing events as they occurred over time to the present, it can be used to identify and analyse trends over time. - Identify gender specific work division, in times of disaster and in normal daily life. Mainly indicate that an hazardous event is likely to occur in the near future and is generally more specific with details that provide those at risk with clearer information and some time to work on their safety. At the end of this step a crucial decision can be made about the specific objectives of the intervention. SBS Study Guide - Disaster Risk Reduction II. ' Who controls access to the resources All life forms ate reliant on clean fresh water for survival but some sources place an area / community / environment at risk of consuming contaminated water. Sustainability is important for environmental, social, and economic reasons. - Community health based challenges such as HIV / AIDS - Let them clarify who uses and controls these resources with regard to gender, class, ethnicity, religion or age. SBS Study Guide - Disaster Risk Reduction II. After every explanation in order to reach the root causes. The most effective ways in changing the unsustainable behavior is raising awareness regarding the importance of sustainable consumption through conducting lectures, research, and development. Sustainable development can be defined as an approach to the economic development of a country without compromising the quality of the environment for future generations. The priority of sustainable development is to find an effective way to eliminate poverty and improving the quality of human life within the carrying capacity of supporting eco systems. Agriculture will be at the heart of the post-Doha negotiations, and sustainable development will be at the heart of the agriculture negotiations. EWS are further often generalized in time span warnings. Sustainable Development is often an over-used word, but goes to the heart of tackling a number of inter-related global issues such as poverty, inequality, hunger and environmental degradation. o The process of Capacity Assessment ' works well in a focus group discussion but ensure that the terms are defined and clarified. gender, religious believes, cultures) to indicate conflicting resource priorities. The matrix as a summary can be reviewed by the community members in order to identify the elements at risk and how they think it should be prioritize the elements in the counter disaster plan. ' Major political events Differences in socio-economic factors result in different degrees of impact and different coping abilities. Be sure to make an effort to manage expectations and remember that SL analysis does not lead to integrated projects but rather to targeted projects, therefore prioritization is a key factor. 4. All three of these themes are closely connected to IISD’s work on climate, sustainable resource development, and fair economies. - Scientific information about the potential hazards or threats A gender specific calendar would provide insight into gender-roles and divisions of labour. Sustainable development allows us to satisfy our needs the present without compromising future generations’ abilities to satisfy their needs. The G7 and G20 must immediately help these countries to finance the flattening of the pandemic curve. It is best to apply this activity in an early phase when a community is first engaged during a community risk assessment. With an aim at action, data is generated and analysed in order to understand it and then can be used effectively as the basis for development planning and ultimately a program that would reduce the vulnerability of the community just by reducing the impact of specific hazards as well as building capacity for dealing with the hazard. Different groups often have different views on the importance of the different institutions, these perspectives can be explored in further discussions. SBS Study Guide - Disaster Risk Reduction II. - Pollution related disasters - Persistently increasing poverty Therefore hazardous materials are more often transported by road which increase the incidence of road accidents involving spillage of toxic materials. - Physical Factors: the available productive resources, skills and hazards. However, Bless and Higson-Smith is of the opinion that a type of participatory research called 'action research' is growing in popularity which suggest the complementary relationship between action and research. ' Knowledge of the available resources is key to being realistic about what the intervention program can accomplish. Methods such as experiments and surveys to be able to describe or explain phenomena. To review secondary data it must be collected first and this can be done Compiling this map involves the following activities: i. - Individual interview: to get personal or representative information. Often a large number of people in these communities are employed by the polluting factories, mines or organizations. The psychological vulnerability of the community increase if they feel victimised, fatalistic and dependent. Demographics of the particular population: total population; race / culture / nationality; age; gender; language; religion. Principals of sustainability However public education and awareness campaigns can fail if there is a lack in understanding of the community dynamics because communities function as an entity involving different intricate systems. On the other side, misguided activity occur when outsiders assume to know the objective of the particular group of people or what their primary livelihood strategies are. Is there access to resources that is not used in an emergency scenario and how could they be utilized. If you are the original author of this content and no longer wish to have it published on our website then please click on the link below to request removal: Essay UK offers students a complete range of free resources for undergraduate, post graduate, PhD and professional courses. ' Information of the community such as: name; boundaries and historical back ground. Air Pollution: occurs when hazardous material and pollutants are released into the atmosphere. DU PISANI School for Social and Government Studies, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa Abstract This article gives an overview of the origin of the concept of sustainable development by going far back in history to trace its roots. E.g. Monitor and make continuous refinements to the programme as needed during the implementation step. The next step could be to then do risk and capacity mapping at household level. Obtain audience participation and cooperation: involve the target groups in the implementation. - Life histories is when individual informants give a detailed account of their life regarding a specific issue from a historic perspective Step 1: Identification of major disaster risk issues as well as hazard and community analysis. How do they manage resources? © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Time lines can also be used to track the impacts of different policy or programme initiatives. Shah, in Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008. 2010. - Get insight in the hazards from the past, how they changed in nature, intensity and behaviour ii. The concept of sustainable development was described by the 1987 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of … - Ask the household how they contribute (support) to other households, to the community and to the larger economic (social) environment The aim is to identify organisations, their role or importance, perceptions that people have of them and to identify the individuals, groups and organisations that play a role in disaster response and that can support a community. This process acknowledge that even poor people can be creative and capable to be active partners in development. land, environment, health, skills and labour force, infrastructure, food, housing, capital and technologies. Don't interfere with the process. The goal is to choose the most cost-effective of achievable objectives for the intervention programme. Human-made Hazards Participatory Research as a tool to analyse Sustainable Livelihoods The measures for sustainable development may be different in developed and developing countries according to their level of technological and economic development. - Identify periods of stress, hazards, diseases, hunger, debt and vulnerability This is determined by the willingness / ability of people to act on their own behalf as well as on various social factors. It is important to note that the time in relation to the warning is subjective and can be interpreted different by different parties. - The focus becomes reality and if the focus is based solely on the negative it can ensnare us. When researching Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) it is important to not over-invest time and other resources at gathering information at the expense of the actual analysis and actions. - Land covers ' detailing what is actually on the land, for example grassland types, planted pastures, types of crops, indigenous forest, exotic plantations, etc. - If the focus is problems or things that don't work people are influenced to see themselves as victims. The disadvantage is that the target group may become uncomfortable because an outsider is interrupting their work or way of life, and in that case the results will not be a true picture of their real-life behaviour. It is important to remember that when prejudice and conflict is present in a community, there will be social and organisational vulnerabilities. Invite as many other people as possible to hear the history of the community. Vulnerability Assessment: The results of vulnerability analysis and risks for a community is the basis of risk reduction and education programmes. - Fires in Informal Settlements: As the migration of people from rural places continue to the urban regions, urban planners experience problems. This may reveal the conflict or differences within the community. iv. Then programs and personnel can be concentrated in the identified higher-risk locations. Action Research. SBS Study Guide. It helps to understand livelihood strategies, behaviour, decisions and perceptions of risk, capabilities and vulnerabilities of households from various socio-economic backgrounds. Transport systems in developing countries are technologically different to those form the developed world, however the following are general transport systems that is widely used. If research is going to be relevant to the community development processes, local people must be in control and should be done by community development practitioners in partnership with the community. These methods may include certain techniques such as observations, pilot studies, quantitative analysis and questionnaires. Time line and Time trend: can be used to notate a history of key events that shaped the life of the community. Agriculture…, The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are a universal call for action to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The goal for a vulnerability assessment is to identify the elements at risk and the reasons why this is so. - Identify high-risk Victims: are those groups with high death / injury / property loss rates. The hazard and the community are linked and therefore when one consider high-risk times, it has to be evaluated from a community and a hazard perspective. A team that facilitates discussion with community members and leaders can use this tool and this involves conducting semi-structured interviews with certain guide questions: ' Systems within the community: political; institutional; economical; environmental; social and developmental All of the above mentioned pollution prevent long term sustainable development. Sustainability practices can be integrated into an existing community, but are typically easier to … - Processing of information and dissemination of warnings to authorities and population Transect walks are useful as part of the initial engagement with the community and during community risk assessment. For example, participatory poverty analysis have shown that people's concerns stretch well beyond income. The content of the assessment can be explained during the disaster risk reduction training in the community but the actual assessment is a separate activity. The reality of budget constraints will impact on risk reduction efforts. The advantages of literature review is the daily activities of the participants are not disrupted and since the data is in writing, it can easily be obtained. Pollution affect many communities that is subjected to severe forms of pollution. Ask for concrete information and examples These 17 Goals build on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals, while entailing new areas such as climate change, sustainable consumption, peace economic inequality, innovation and justice, among other priorities. The decision can be based on the community members most at risk, who has influence over this community and then selecting the target group on which the intervening party would have the biggest potential impact. The Hazard assessment as in the above assessment matrix is: Determine the message time and place: Consider when the target audience will be most receptive to the message and then schedule the messages for maximum effect. - Measuring livelihoods or resilience: Various livelihood methodology and research methods are available to use but it is up to research to decide which elements will be included in measuring livelihood and resilience. (Earthquake vs. storm system vs. drought). Asses mapping and social mapping are closely connected and in some cases the data will overlap. The person doing the observation have to start with analysing the purpose for which the organization engages with this specific community and will from there identify indicators that can be assessed through direct observation. - Social Organisation: what are the organisation and relationship among communities? - The facilitator can write the stories on a blackboard or craft paper in chronological order - Draw diagrams to facilitate discussion on livelihood sources A participatory assessment can consist of three components that can be combined but can also stand on its own as a participatory assessment. Semi-structured interviews can be conducted by a team of 2 ' 4 people that follows the below listed steps. In order to sustain the consumption and production patterns, the targets fall under two main categories, educating the world, and the applying this new knowledge. Voting can be done by the group members sticking voting dots to the answers they deem most important. - Relevant legislation and government policies regarding human-made hazards. Methods include case studies, in-depth interviewing of key informants, observation of participants, questionnaires and scrutiny of personal documents. - Get to know the household members, composition, age, gender, then ask questions about livelihood and coping strategies. 1.2. As many as possible community members should be involved in the assessment, in particular those most at risk. ' availability of seasonal job opportunities. Primary and secondary data: When the researched gather their own data it is termed 'primary data' and when the researcher use data collected by other researchers it is called 'secondary data'. ' Decision-making Secondary data review: This type of data review consist of visiting libraries, government offices, universities or research centres, maps and newspaper extractions. 2013: 36 - 68. Step 5: Evaluation of the programme to determine impact. ' Major hazards and their effects The assessment may need to be conducted in a staggered way in order to accommodate the people's daily or seasonal livelihood activities. - What is the history of the organisation? Heijmans & Victoria suggest the below matrix as a guideline to conduct a hazards assessment through a group discussion with community members and to continue with a discussion on the intensity and extent. - Questions should be asked to encourage the map making and answers must be put on the map. Aviation Disasters: are more relevant for developing countries. Absolute poverty is the situation where a household / person cannot afford the bare minimum to survive. i. - Value differences because diversity can then create strength rather than division. - Identify high-risk behaviour: To identify high-risk behaviour, one must determine which acts or omissions cause adverse incidents and disasters. Enforcing pollution laws remains a very difficult task even if developing countries have legislation in place. - History taking can be started with current experiences and then going back in time. To minimize the depletion of natural resources when creating new developments. ' Changes in food security and nutrition De Satge et al defined appreciative inquiry as the focus on building existing strengths and assets and not focusing on weaknesses and shortcomings. - Let the people determine the criteria for the importance of an organisation and to rank them according to these criteria (can be ranked into three or four categories) Resources when creating new developments people at risk and the capacity assessment given to ask lines! Communities are developed pronounced than the capacities are grouped according to: physical / material social. About their lives is important to spend time on task, and sustainable development goals to. To follow put under the umbrella of sustainable development higher risk to the assessment may need to active. Pages sustainable development has continued to evolve as that of protecting the world’s resources while its true agenda to... Livelihood sources - continue discussion on how the household copes in times stress. 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